Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Intexuality Analysis

The music video is a good example of intertexuality, it is represented through mise en scene, for instance the loaction is set in a forest, which is a textual reference of the wonder land from 'Alice and the Wonderland'.

The intertextuality of the music video is also represented through the costume, for example when we first denote Avril Lavigne in a deep dark pit, with a black gothic, frilly dres, which makes reference to the film because it is almost like she is playing the role as Alice (similar costume). How ever, the changes of the costume for being stylized gothical, which relates to her star persona, which is conventional in a punk rock genre music.

From making intertextuality references to the disney film 'Alice and the Wonderland', helps to appeal to their primary audiences, this mainly apply to teenage audiences and young teen because 'Alice and the wonderland' is widely recognized by everyone because it's property originally came from the book, which is another example of intertexuality.

Even though 'Alice and the wonderland' is a well known tale, the music video doesn't appeal to younger childrens because the film is quite modern, which means that younger children wouldn't understand the film (Not enough understanding so most likely to stick with the original tale). However on the other hand, teenagers have knowlege on the original tale, in addition the film was made into a 3D/CGI film, which attracts their attentions.

Another important reference from the film is that at the beggining of the music video, you could denote a white rabbit, which symbolises the rabbit from the tale. (reference of the character.

The use of the mis en scene represents the intertexuality of the film, for example ther is a establishing shot of the tea table all laid out, which is a reference of were Alice meets Mad Hatter from the film (The music video follows the original story plot), which shows that the music video is a narrative music video.

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