Tuesday, 5 October 2010

I-Stop Motion production

This is a experiment with I-Stop Motion, with play dough characters.

I think that the I-Stop Motion technique is quite simple but it requires a lot of patience to do, for example when filming the movement of the we would have to stop each time and them film, with the anime it program.

The advantages of using this program is that it is very simple and easy to use. All you need to do is to connect a fire wire to a cam recorder to the computer and you could freely adjust the shots and movements, instead of using the built in web cam to film from the computer. After filming you could also edit the film on i Movie HD.

When taking the shots of the movement, make sure that you have 2 or 3 shots of the same position so that the you could slow down the motion of the play dough dolls. You would have to make sure that when filming from the previous shot that the dolls are in the same position from the last shot so that it looks more natural.

What went well during the process of the I-Stop Motion?

I think that it went well with the motion because in most areas the movement of the dolls were quite natural, in addition I think that the sound effects were a success ie: the voice overs because it fitted in with the characters personality.

It was also a success because the all the voice overs were only done by three people but all voices sounded all different and unique.

What went bad in the during the process of the I-Stop Motion?

During the process of the filming the camera occasionally turns off and that the camera angle changes quite often, which effects the position of the dolls.

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