Tuesday 5 October 2010

Past Student Music Video

The use of the mis scene scene is well used to illustrate, for example there was a close up shot of the part of the piano, I could denote that the hammer is hitting the strings, which synchronise with the music because the music opens with a piano playing. However, when the music starts to build up (more dramatic), the piano was not a good idea because it doesn't fit in to the rock genre genre. At the same time with the location of were it is filmed, was not suitable, especially with the indoor shoot because it looks as if it's filmed in school or at home. (Lazy mis en scene)

I think that the forest location was pretty good because the gives a sort of eerie vibe, like in those horror films with the haunted castle, which fit's well with the rock genre because a gothical type of image would suit best for a rock artist. However, I think that the lightings could be lower key because in most rock music video that I have watched, usually have dingy lights/dull lightings (Dark Locations) or even set in black and white (sepia mode). Ie: The Gazette, Night Mare, 12012, Golden Bomber etc. Which is conventional in most rock music video.

This music video also lacks originality and creativity because in most parts of the music video is very repetitive, for example I could denote her falling down and running throughout the whole music video, which doesn't show any sense of creativity and that it is important that a music video must include some sort of theory, for example is it conceptual, narrative or performance.
Overall, I think that this music video has failed to explore the theory.

I think that this music video is challenging the codes and conventions of a rock genre music video, for example in this music video we could only see her, which suggests that she is a solo artist. In most rock genre music video's we conventionally see that there is a band group performing together. Which also means that most rock music video's are conventionally performance base. It also challenges the codes and conventions of a music video because it is more conventional to have a male vocal lead in a rock band, but in this music video we focus on female artist, which challenges the typical gender representation in a music video.

The costume of the artist, demonstrates the kind of gothical star persona, for example the long black dress makes the character of the artist seems mysterious and that the colour is associated with being dark, which conforms to the conventions of a rock genre. In addition, she is a white race so that also conforms to the conventions of a rock star persona because it is very uncommon to have other race in a rock band (East Asians are exceptional), for example Black races often stereo typed as being a hip hop artist.

In conclusion, the level of the music video would be a level 1 because it lacks creativity with mis en scene, cinematography, performances and editing.

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